Introducing the Gus - Jazz pups. Ch. Incredibulls Destiny x Ch. Winning Colors Perfecta
Born 1-16-12
Bred by Pat and Angelo Lamonica
Click for pedigree.
Congratulations to Xander for being a Top 25 Bullmastiff 2014 & 2015!
Congratulations to Xander and Eddie for making the first cut in the Best of Breed judging
at the 2014 ABA National.
I'm happy and proud to announce that 6 of the pups from this litter have finished their championship.
Grand Ch. Winning Colors Alexander's Greatest Folly -------- Canadian Ch. Winning Colors Bet'n on Bolder
"Xander" --------------------------------------------------------------- "Wynn"
Owned by: Tina Thompson ---------------------------------- Owned by: Marilyn Blanchette
Ch. Winning Colors Mr. Incredibull ------------------------ Ch. Winning Colors Living Legend
"Reggie" ----------------------------------------------------- "Dolly"
Owned by: Marv & Shirley DeWitte ------------ Owned by: Pat Lamonica & Deb Hart
Ch, Winning Colors All that Jazz--------------------------Ch. Winning Colors Special Edition
Owned by: Pat & Angelo Lamonica---------------------------Owned by: Karen Maltzahn
We have puppy videos. They are almost 5 weeks old here.
Click on their names to see each video.
Red Girl -
Yellow Boy -
Green Boy -
Red Boy
Pictured at 6 weeks of age:

The Boys:
The Girls: