I am Shirley DeWitte and my husband is Marv. We live in northeast Ohio.
You can often see us at nearby dog shows from Cleveland to Pittsburgh to Columbus to Detroit.
While it is me you will see in the show ring, it is my husband who is the helper and chauffer.
I couldn't do it all without him.
My poor husband didn't know what he was in for when he suggested getting a Bullmastiff.
I knew that I wanted a show dog so I started researching the breed
and talking with breeders.
We were fortunate to get our dog from HappyLegs Bullmastiffs.

We thought that this was an incredible breed. We therefore named our first dog
HappyLegs Incredibull Brutus.
We got our first experience training and showing this breed. In case you didn't know,
Bullmastiffs can be quite stubborn at times!
Along the way Brutus and I finally learned what we should be doing in the show ring
and Brutus obtained his Championship before age 2.
Well they say Bullmastiffs are like potato chips -- You can't stop at one --
Our second dog is Ch. HappyLegs Heads Up. She finished her championship at 19 months of age.
She turned "ON" as soon as she stepped in the
show ring. She even ended up getting major points
when I accidentally dropped her lead. She trotted right beside me never missing a step.
When we bred Tasha we needed a kennel name. Since Brutus was our introduction
to the breed we decided to use the name "Incredibull" to honor him.
That was the start of Incredibull Bullmastiffs.

I am a member of the American Bullmastiff Association and the Great Lakes Bullmastiff Association.
We have met so many
wonderful people because of our dogs.
My love of my dogs has also evolved into another hobby -- photography. Since I think Bullmastiffs
are such awesome dogs I view them as works of art. I am getting so
much enjoyment creating portraits
and holiday art from ordinary pictures. I've put a sampling of my work on the portrait and
holiday art pages.
I hope you enjoy them.
If you would like me to work on your photos please contact
to discuss the details.